5 bulk collect into l_object_name_list 6 from all_objects 7 where rownum <= 10; 8 9 for i in 1..l_object_name_list.count 10 loop 11 dbms_output.put_line( l_object_name_list( i ) ); 12 end loop; 13 end; 14 / DUAL <-- 9 more rows - results trimmed to save space --> PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Be aware that selecting a large number of records into your collection in one shot using the preceding syntax can exhaust server-side memory. In such cases, you can use an explicit cursor syntax with a limit clause as illustrated in the following code snippet. First, we declare a cursor that selects 3,000 object IDs from the all_objects table: benchmark@ORA92I> declare 2 cursor c_object_ids is 3 select object_id 4 from all_objects 5 where rownum <= 3000; Instead of using a SQL type as we did in the previous example, we use a PL/SQL type (we could have used a SQL type also). We declare the PL/SQL type and a variable of its type followed by a loop counter variable: 6 7 8 type number_table is table of number index by binary_integer; l_object_id_list number_table; l_counter number := 0;

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Note It should be mentioned that the .NET platform also provides a manner to assign a run-time identity

Note At the time of writing, the F# distribution came with prototype plotting and linear algebra modules

We begin our logic by opening the cursor and bulk collecting the object IDs into the array l_object_id_list. Note that we use the limit clause (shown in bold in the following code) so that at a time, we will only fetch 200 records to avoid straining database memory: 9 10 11 12 begin open c_object_ids; loop fetch c_object_ids bulk collect into l_object_id_list limit 200;

for use with libraries that provide plotting and numeric functionality such as Excel, Xceed, and the Intel MKL libraries, as well as the commonly used BLAS and LAPACK libraries. This functionality was not yet fully integrated into the F# libraries at the time of writing. You can find further information at http://

to the assembly itself. Once this identity has been established, the Code Access security (CAS) model enables a system administrator to restrict what the assembly may (or may not) do via a set of configurable (and very flexible) rules.

The remaining code is straightforward. We loop through the array contents, printing them out. We also increment our loop counter to store the total number of records processed. Finally, we have the exit clause that exits out of the loop when we run out of records: 13 14 15 for i in 1..l_object_id_list.count loop l_counter := l_counter + 1;

The .NET System namespace includes a number of useful types that give functionality related to the execution of running programs in the .NET Common Language Runtime. Table 10-13 summarizes them.

16 dbms_output.put_line( l_object_id_list( i ) ); 17 end loop; 18 exit when c_object_ids%notfound; 19 end loop; 20 dbms_output.put_line( 'total fetched: ' || l_counter ); 21 end; 22 / 222 <-results trimmed to conserve space --> 6409 total fetched: 3000 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. The important point to note is that in cases where you expect a large number of records, you should use an explicit cursor and fetch with a limit clause to conserve server-side memory.

Now that you have seen the role of various .NET security atoms, you can turn your attention to the specifics of securing ASP .NET web applications. Do recall, however, that an ASP .NET web application is ultimately just another valid .NET assembly. Like any assembly, your ASP.NET web applications contain CIL code, type metadata, and manifest information. Given this point, many of the previous security-centric topics apply directly to Web development under the .NET platform (storing passwords as hash codes, strongly naming external assemblies, and so forth). In addition to the general .NET security options, ASP .NET does provide Web-specific services that address the issues of authentication and authorization. Under ASP .NET, these two security needs are addressed in part by tweaking various settings within a server side web.config file. Like other XML-based files, web.config files can contain any number of subelements under the root <configuration> node, each of which can contain various attributes and possibly further subelements. At a very high level, a web.config file can be broken into the following skeleton: <configuration> <system.web> <authentication/> <authorization/> <browserCaps/> <clientTarget/> <compilation/> <customErrors/> <globalization/> <httpHandlers/> <httpModules/> <httpRuntime/>

Note As mentioned earlier, starting with Oracle 10g, as an optimization for an implicit cursor loop (e.g.,

Contains advanced types that support compilation and native interoperability. Provides information about, and the means to manipulate, the current environment and platform. Controls the system garbage collector. We discuss garbage collection in more detail in 17. Represents a weak reference, which references an object while still allowing that object to be reclaimed by garbage collection. Represents an application domain, which is a software-isolated environment where applications execute. Application domains can hold code generated at run time and can be unloaded.

for a x in ( select ...) loop), Oracle silently bulk fetches records 100 at a time by default. The bulk collect technique is still very useful for 9i systems and even in 10g, if the default limit of 100 rows is not optimal for your particular scenario.

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